Category : Security

Did you get a small business? Teach your employees to work from home safely

Did you get a small business? Teach your employees to work from home safely

Millions of people are still telecommuting as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and door-closing restrictions. However, antivirus giant Kaspersky w...

Apple helps password manager to work on difficult websites

Apple helps password manager to work on difficult websites

Apple has released a new open source tool that allows password manager developers to create stronger passwords for many popular websites.According to ...

The Coronavirus crisis Spares Scammers who email resumes that are rife with Malware

The Coronavirus crisis Spares Scammers who email resumes that are rife with Malware

New research shows that cybercriminals continue to take advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic by targeting businesses with spoofed resumes and vacation a...

UK gov't contact tracing app violates data protection rules, group says

UK gov't contact tracing app violates data protection rules, group says

Privacy campaigners have accused the UK government of breaching data protection laws by creating a coronavirus testing and tracking app that is not ye...

Vulnerable to dangerous "worm" attacks, Windows10-DHS will prompt you to patch your PC as soon as possible

Vulnerable to dangerous "worm" attacks, Windows10-DHS will prompt you to patch your PC as soon as possible

[The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Directorate is warning that if you haven't patched your Windows ...

Billions of Smart Home Devices Could Be Attacked: What to Do

Billions of Smart Home Devices Could Be Attacked: What to Do

Billions of smart home devices are vulnerable to cyberattacks due to a serious vulnerability discovered in a network protocol.The CallStranger vulnera...

IBM to stop making facial recognition technology, sAI want to regulate

IBM to stop making facial recognition technology, sAI want to regulate

Computing giant IBM intends to exit the general-purpose facial recognition market due to concerns that such technology and its analysis software could...

Brave private Browser Accused of Tricking Users Through Affiliate Links

Brave private Browser Accused of Tricking Users Through Affiliate Links

Brave, a Chromium-based, privacy-conscious web browser, has been accused of deceiving users by autocompleting URLs entered for cryptocurrency companie...