Category : Security

The Clubhouse app has been hacked and the audio has been repost for everything — what you need to know

The Clubhouse app has been hacked and the audio has been repost for everything — what you need to know

The exclusive, invitation-only iPhone app "Clubhouse" has been making a big splash on the Internet lately, but it is not without its problems. Securit...

This VPN service is reported to be being exploited to launch DDoS attacks [Update]

This VPN service is reported to be being exploited to launch DDoS attacks [Update]

A widely used VPN service is being used in a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against websites, ZDNet reported earlier this week.The attack...

Windows10Pc may crash from this single character — Update now

Windows10Pc may crash from this single character — Update now

If you haven't already applied Microsoft's latest Windows security update, you need to do so now. That's because this update fixes a flaw that could c...

Google Chrome under Attack via Zero—Day Flaw - What to Do Now

Google Chrome under Attack via Zero—Day Flaw - What to Do Now

This is because updating the desktop Chrome browser will patch a zero-day flaw that is being actively exploited by undisclosed hackers.Google's offici...

This iPhone app has published the recorded calls of thousands of users

This iPhone app has published the recorded calls of thousands of users

A security vulnerability has been discovered in a popular iPhone call recording app, potentially exposing the call recordings of thousands of users.Th...

This fake ad blocker will lock your files and hijack your PC to my cryptocurrency

This fake ad blocker will lock your files and hijack your PC to my cryptocurrency

Attempts to install a Windows ad blocker should be treated with caution as it may be malware.A very malicious Trojan horse that combines ransomware an...

Chrome under attack for the second time this month — here's what to do

Chrome under attack for the second time this month — here's what to do

Google has released its second emergency update for Chrome this month.Chrome version 89.0.4389.90 for Windows, Mac, and Linux fixes five security bugs...

Dropbox makes its password manager free - but there's a catch

Dropbox makes its password manager free - but there's a catch

Perhaps capitalizing on LastPass' recent self-inflicted debacle, Dropbox will offer a limited version of its password manager for free users starting ...