Massive Apple VR headset leak just revealed the price, release date and features

Massive Apple VR headset leak just revealed the price, release date and features

Apple's rumored virtual reality headset may resemble the Oculus Quest 2, but may also have a fan-cooled processor and advanced motion tracking over the Apple M1 chip.

According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, Apple is testing a VR headset codenamed N301, and the prototype uses external sensors and supports augmented reality VR headsets are said to arrive in 2022 The latter part is worth noting, as VR headsets are said to arrive in 2022, whereas Apple Glasses, which focus on AR, are said to be a ways off.

Typically, Apple improves upon or repackages existing technology to make it more reliable and accessible to the average user. But given that VR has struggled to gain acceptance among mainstream consumers, Garman says that won't be the case this time around.

Instead, according to his sources, Apple VR is designed to be a "high-end, niche product" that will serve to prepare both developers and consumers for the eventual release of Apple Glasses.

This echoes what Apple CEO Tim Cook has said in the past. [Apple's VR headset will be more expensive than those already on the market. It will be a standalone device, so I would be surprised if it costs as much as the $899 HTC Vive Cosmos Elite with a PC. However, Apple is charging $699 for a complete set of wheels.

The N301 headset is said to be in the late prototype stage and will feature some of Apple's "most advanced and powerful chips." If the VR headset can outperform the M1 MacBook in terms of performance, we will have a phenomenal piece of kit.

Since these chips need to be cooled, the VR headset will likely have a fan. And Gurman reports that Apple needed enough space for the cooling fan to work efficiently, forcing the designers to cut features of the headset used to accommodate glasses wearers. To ensure that glasses wearers would not be left out, Apple developed a way to insert power lenses into the hardware itself.

Apple also took cues from both the AirPods and HomePod speakers to reduce the weight of the headset. For example, they use fabric or plastic material instead of metal. Currently, the headset is said to be about the same size as the Oculus Quest.

The headset prototype also includes an external camera, which Apple is using to test various features, including hand tracking and gesture control. Another potential feature is a virtual keyboard that would allow users to type in mid-air.

The Apple VR headset is much more advanced than the Apple Glasses, codenamed N421. They are still in the early stages of what is called "architecture," meaning that Apple is working on the underlying technology.

This confirms another recent report that Apple Glasses are moving into the second phase of development and that Apple is focusing on weight reduction while extending battery life.

Garman is unsure what impact COVID-19 has had on the development of both Apple Glasses and VR headsets, but does not expect them to appear until 2023. how COVID-19 has impacted the development of both Apple Glasses and VR headsets. It is unclear what impact COVID-19 had on the development of both Apple Glasses and VR headsets, but it did at least delay the decisions that had to be made in the engineering process.

Given this, it will likely be some time before we hear anything concrete about Apple Glasses and the Apple VR headset.
