COVID-19 Vaccine Calculator shows where you are in line

COVID-19 Vaccine Calculator shows where you are in line

"When will I get the COVID-19 vaccine?" That's the question many are asking, as two vaccines are being distributed across the U.S. and healthcare providers will be the first to receive them; the COVID-19 vaccine calculator can help you understand where you stand in the queue.

Both Pfizer BioNTech's and Moderna's vaccines have received emergency FDA approval. Different doses of each are shipped to all 50 states and dispensed according to CDC recommendations and each state's guidelines.

The first groups to be vaccinated will be health care workers and nursing home residents and staff. Other priority groups include government officials, mission critical workers, first responders, and people with underlying medical conditions.

Vaccines are arriving as the pandemic continues to surge across the country. In several states, the number of patients and hospitalizations continues to rise to record levels daily.

Top health officials are touting the safety and efficacy of the vaccine as the public hesitates. Moncef Slaoui, head of the federal government's "Operation Warp Speed" vaccine initiative, told "Fox News," "Now that all the data is public and can be discussed in detail, I hope people will open their minds and listen to the data and agree that this is a very effective and safe vaccine, I hope they will therefore take it."

The New York Times, in collaboration with the Surgo Foundation and Ariadne Labs, has developed a useful tool that lets people know the order in which to line up to receive vaccinations.

Simply access the COVID-19 vaccine calculator and enter basic information such as age, province of residence, occupation, and health risk. The results will show you which column you are in in your country, state, and county. The results are also displayed visually.

For example, when I used the calculator, it showed that I was behind 268.7 million people in the United States, behind 16 million people in my state, and behind 2 million people in my county. One of my colleagues got the same numbers for the country and state, but was behind by 1.5 million in his county.

The calculator results are estimates; the rankings are not yet finalized and are subject to change as children may be skipped if the vaccine is not approved for those under 18.

ABC News has set up its own calculator to provide similar results.
