stimulation check on the way? Pelosi and Mcconnell meet

stimulation check on the way? Pelosi and Mcconnell meet

With the first batch of coronavirus vaccines being distributed and a government shutdown looming, negotiators for a major stimulus bill met Tuesday to discuss a remedy.

While lawmakers appear to be trying to avert a shutdown with a new spending bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has invited Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy for a face-to-face meeting on COVID-19 relief.

According to CNBC, the meeting represents an important bipartisan effort to reach agreement on relief spending. While bipartisan legislation has surfaced in recent weeks, there has yet to be a bill that is heavily supported by these party leaders.

In particular, a compromise between Pelosi and McConnell would represent a major step forward toward passage of a new stimulus bill. Pelosi has called for a total of over $2 trillion in bailout spending, including $1,200 per eligible person in stimulus checks2, while McConnell has remained in favor of a targeted $500 billion bill.

The meeting came after a group of lawmakers released a $908 billion bipartisan bill in two parts on Monday. The first part would restart federal unemployment assistance at $300 per week for 16 weeks, extend rental assistance, and fund paycheck protection programs. The second part addresses government funding and corporate responsibility protections. [The latest bill, however, does not include a stimulus check. However, Tuesday's meeting may determine the final fate of the second round of direct payments.

With the second round of stimulus negotiations being held behind closed doors, anything can happen at this point. Negotiations have stalled several times over the past few months, and there is no guarantee that lawmakers will reach a resolution.

Perhaps with the support of President Donald Trump, the stimulus package will get a boost at Tuesday's meeting. On Saturday (December 12), President Trump said he wants "more money" for the stimulus package.

Check out the latest stimulus coverage. Also, be sure to check out our calculator to find out how much stimulus check 2 will be awarded.
