Forget Apple Watch6: Apple Watch7 can scan your veins

Forget Apple Watch6: Apple Watch7 can scan your veins

This goes far beyond washing hands. Apple's newly discovered patent suggests that the company is looking to scan veins in the wrist and hand as a way to detect gestures other than touch.

Apple Insider found a patent application dated August 2018 named "Vein scanning device for automatic gesture and finger recognition." In other words, the watch would record images of the wearer's wrist as they move their hands to perform various gestures.

Currently, Apple smartwatches have optical heart rate sensors and infrared sensors that can scan veins for heart rate, etc., but the patent indicates that additional sensors would be needed on the watch band itself to capture what the veins are doing on the back side of the wrist It indicates that.

While there are only rumors about what features the Apple Watch 6 will have, there is no speculation pointing to vein tracking as a way to register gestures. However, given Apple's interest in augmented reality, gesture control could be used in conjunction with Apple's AR glasses.

Touchless gestures could also be useful in other applications, such as for people with mobility issues or for interpreting sign language gestures.

From fall detection to atrial fibrillation detection, Apple has recently been ahead of the curve when it comes to adding sensors and health features to its smartwatches.

Touchless gesture control has also been tried with limited success in other mobile devices such as smartphones. Some drones can also be controlled using only hand gestures. Thus, it remains to be seen what will happen with this patent from Apple.
