IBM to stop making facial recognition technology, sAI want to regulate

IBM to stop making facial recognition technology, sAI want to regulate

Computing giant IBM intends to exit the general-purpose facial recognition market due to concerns that such technology and its analysis software could lead to racial profiling and discrimination. [IBM CEO Arvind Krishna writes, "IBM no longer offers generic IBM facial recognition and analysis software. [IBM categorically opposes and will not tolerate the use of any technology, including facial recognition technology provided by other vendors, for purposes of mass surveillance, racial profiling, violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms, or for any purpose inconsistent with our values and principles of trust and transparency.

"Now is the time to begin a national dialogue on whether and how domestic law enforcement agencies should adopt facial recognition technology.

Krishna also called for increased scrutiny of artificial intelligence technology, acknowledging that while AI has useful uses in law enforcement, vendors and users of this technology must ensure that it is not misused.

He said: "Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool to help law enforcement keep citizens safe. [However, vendors and users of al systems have a shared responsibility to ensure that al is tested for bias, especially when used in law enforcement, and that such bias testing is audited and reported.

Krishna would like to see technology used to improve transparency and accountability in law enforcement.

He added, "Finally, national policies should encourage and facilitate the use of technologies that bring more transparency and accountability to policing, such as body cameras and modern data analysis techniques.
