I want PS5 more than Xbox Series X — and it has nothing to do with specs

I want PS5 more than Xbox Series X — and it has nothing to do with specs

At this point, we have a solid idea of the PS5 and Xbox Series X's specs, controllers, and unique features. It's too early to say which system will ultimately provide a better overall experience, but it's time to start thinking about which console to buy. And I am thinking PS5.

I stand by my assertion that we may not need a new generation of gaming consoles. I'd rather wait and see how the streaming and PC gaming space evolves before plunking down $500+ to put another big black box under my TV. But if I had to choose just one new gaming console, which one would it be without hesitation, without conditions, without prolonging the internal debate? And I immediately chose the PS5. The reason is simple: the exclusivity of the game.

In past console generations, Sony has consistently excelled when it comes to offering exclusive titles. This is not a knock on Microsoft, on the contrary, I respect Microsoft for opening up their exclusive titles to PC gamers. I hope Sony follows suit. But if you want to play "God of War (2018)," "Bloodborne," "Uncharted 4," "Final Fantasy VII Remake," "Ratchet & Clank," "Spider-Man," and the list goes on and on, you have to go to PS4. It's a fact. And I have high hopes that the PS5 will follow suit.

We could argue all day about the merits of having exclusive titles versus making everything multiplatform. But like Voltaire's Candide, we must accept that we live in the real world. And in the real world, Microsoft has made almost every Xbox exclusive title available on the PC. Sony has not done the same with its PlayStation exclusives and, to my knowledge, has no plans to do so.

The reality is that any Xbox Series X exclusive title that I would want to play will be available on the PC. I understand that not everyone has a gaming PC, but I do. The idea of buying a gaming console to access the exact same library is ludicrous to me; the Xbox Series X may run games better than my old system, but I can just invest the $500 or so that a new console costs in new PC components.

Also, I'm not a big fan of "Halo" or "Gears of War". However, I do love the games from Obsidian and inXile under the Microsoft umbrella. I will almost certainly be buying Microsoft exclusives for the next few years.

When compared and contrasted with the PS4, exclusive games generally remain intact; Horizon Zero Dawn will be released on PC this summer, but aside from that, I can't think of a single major PS4 exclusive that has gone multiplatform; many PS3 and PS4 exclusives; and, of course, the PS4's "War of the Worlds" is a great game, but I can't think of a single PS4 game that has gone multiplatform, of course, streamed on PlayStation Now and available on PC as well. However, it is not the same as owning the games, as they may or may not be available.

Speaking only for myself, I thought "God of War" (2018) was one of the very best games of the last decade and would buy a system to play its sequel. I also want to play the next "Spider-Man," the next "Uncharted," the next "Ratchet & Clank" (please don't let this series die an ignominious death, Sony), etc. If I wait long enough, they may or may not be available on PlayStation Now. Or they may not be available when I have time to play them. At this point, buying a PS5 seems like the only sure way to play these exclusive titles. If that changes, my view on purchasing a PS5 will change.

I considered discussing how the PS5's specs compare to those of the Xbox Series X, but that has already been covered in the PS5 vs. Xbox Series X showdown. The bottom line is that the Xbox Series X specs appear to be more powerful, which is definitely to Microsoft's advantage. But the fundamental question here is not "which console runs games at a better speed." It is "which console has the games I want to play." For me, at least, it's the PS5.

(By the way, if you want to know how much processing power means to the average consumer, just look at the gaming consoles that are currently sold out in what seems to be every store in the world, not PS4 or Xbox One)

I can make this decision because of my gaming PC. It is worth noting that it is thanks to Thanks to Microsoft's commitment to cross-platform play, I won't miss a game if I skip the Xbox Series X.

So does this mean that I recommend pre-ordering the PS5 as soon as it is released? Not really. I do not intend to do so. But at this point, for gamers looking for exclusive titles, especially those who already own a gaming PC, Sony's console seems to be the better bet. If you want solid buying advice, my advice, as always, is to wait for reviewers' ratings once the product is released.

