Samsung Galaxy Note 20 can use a mysterious new display - and fold, too

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 can use a mysterious new display - and fold, too

The Samsung Galaxy Note 20 may feature a mysterious new display called Piff. Or it may be for the Samsung Galaxy Fold 2. But what exactly is Piff?

In slang, piff means "better than average." And if you are a London teen, it can mean "pretty, sexy, and hot." I don't think any of these would match Samsung's new mystery display, but "better than average" might apply.

But what does this mean?

As discovered by LetsGoDigital, whatever it is, Samsung thought that the incoming display needed a name so special that it would need to be registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office.

In the USPTO's list, the brand "SAMSUNG PIFF" covers only "smartphone displays," which is surprisingly specific, since brand names usually cover a long list of categories. As with other trademarks, there are no technical details about what the brand covers.

We also know that Samsung has a practice of registering trademarks months in advance of products bearing a particular brand name. For example, this was the case with the Samsung Ultra Thin Glass for the Galaxy Z Flip: the trademark was released on December 11, 2019, and the phone was announced on February 11, 2019.

In light of the above, it is quite reasonable to assume that this mysterious new "Samsung Pif" will be applied to the displays of new Samsung smartphones to be released in the coming months. And the only significant phone I can think of that would require a special brand name for its display is the Galaxy Note 20. Or perhaps the Samsung Galaxy Fold 2.

Perhaps the trademark is related to a new patent unearthed today by PatentlyMobile. The patent describes a foldable display that corresponds to a pen, with an enclosure that can hold a pen on one of its flaps. Here is an illustration of the patent application:

This could be the rumored S-Pen compatible Samsung Galaxy Fold. Or maybe this is the Galaxy Note 20 after all, and Samsung will merge both lines as previously rumored - and it makes sense to make the Note 20 a separate phone from the S20, thus leaving the Galaxy Z Flip as the S20's counterpart would be.

So perhaps PIFF means something like "Pen Inside Foldable Flap"?
