Apple Watch saves 13-year-old Boy's Life

Apple Watch saves 13-year-old Boy's Life

The Apple Watch has been credited with helping to detect heart disease and save lives in a variety of people, and now it may have saved the life of a 13-year-old in Oklahoma.

Suppose you were sitting at home as a parent and received a text message that your son's heart rate had spiked to 190 beats per minute; that's exactly what happened to Liz Joslin in April 2018, as her son Skylar sat in class.

The mother received a screenshot with the message: "Mom, something is wrong. I didn't do anything."

The situation came as a surprise because Skyler is an athlete who plays football, track, and basketball.

According to Oklahoma's KFOR, his mother then picked Skyler up from school, during which time his heart rate jumped to 202 BPM. It then spiked to 280 at midnight.

Skyler was diagnosed the next day with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). This disease forces hearing to accelerate.

The boy then underwent cardiac ablation, a procedure that cures the heart rhythm.

Skyler returned to the football field but will have to wear a heart monitor until he undergoes another surgery.

Liz credits the Apple Watch with helping her discover this dangerous condition.

"If I hadn't gotten his Apple Watch, I might never have known," Joslyn told KFOR. 'I mean, we don't know how long it would have been going on or how long it would have really been going on.'
