Does running burn fat? Here's what you need to know

Does running burn fat? Here's what you need to know

Running has long been hailed as one of the best forms of aerobic exercise - it's relatively inexpensive, doesn't require a gym membership or much equipment, and most of us already know how to do it. But does running burn fat? And what if you can't stand to run on pavement? Or should we persevere, tie our shoelaces, and jump on the treadmill? [If a person weighing 150 pounds runs a mile in around 10 minutes, he or she can expect to burn about 350 calories for every 30 minutes of running. This is more than a brisk walk (154 calories), elliptical training (214 calories), or an intense yoga session (297 calories) in the same amount of time. In addition to burning calories, running has been proven to uplift mood, relieve anxiety and depression, and reduce stress.

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According to a 2015 study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, runners who ran 3.1 miles or more per week lost an average of 12.3 pounds of fat per year while changing their target diet. Those who ran less than 3.1 miles per week while watching their diet lost an average of 7.83 pounds of fat.

As you might expect, running has been shown to burn a significant amount of fat. However, that does not necessarily tell the whole story. [Fat loss depends primarily on a caloric deficit, which occurs when calories consumed are greater than calories consumed. For example, if you need 2,200 calories a day but consume 1,800 calories, you are in a caloric deficit.

In contrast, if a body needs 2,200 calories per day and consumes 2,600 calories, it is in a caloric surplus. If there is a caloric surplus, the body stores the excess calories in adipose tissue (also known as fat).

Certain metabolic conditions notwithstanding, the most important thing to do to reduce fat is to consume fewer calories per day than the body needs. At that point, the body begins to look for other energy, energy stored in fat cells.

Yes, running can burn fat. But if being chased by an angry bear is the only thing that inspires you to run, don't worry. There are many other exercises that burn fat and burn even more calories than running. One such option, high-intensity interval training (or HIIT), is very effective at burning fat throughout the body, as this study has shown.

For those looking to work out at home, exercise bikes and jump ropes are great indoor cardio workouts.

Good news for those who hate doing cardio. According to a recent study published in Sports Medicine, strength training alone can reduce body fat by 1.4%.

Increasing lean body mass through strength training increases your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of calories your body burns when at rest, without exercise or physical activity. Muscle requires more energy than fat, so more muscle means more calories needed for the body to function. (Check out our adjustable dumbbells for home lifting now).

Remember, if you take in fewer calories than your body needs, you are in a caloric deficit. As your muscle mass increases, your previously surplus daily caloric intake may become insufficient. You want to be sure that you are eating enough to support the growth of your pectoral and quadriceps muscles, so consult a registered dietitian, sports nutritionist, or certified personal trainer for guidance.

As you build muscle, your body composition will change. Even if the number on the scale doesn't move much, you will see inches go down and fat go down. But remember, lean muscle mass is increasing. If you're keeping track of your weight, the best smart scales will give you an accurate picture of what's happening in your body.

Strength training is important for many reasons besides fat loss and beauty, including bone health, injury prevention, and pain relief. Plus, the stronger your body is, the easier it is to move around in the world. That's not to say you should completely avoid sweaty, heart-pumping exercise. The goal is 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week.

If you are running with the goal of fat loss and you are not losing any weight, start tracking your caloric intake (how much you eat) and output (how much you move). A calorie-counting app or activity tracker can give you a rough estimate of these numbers. You may (unknowingly) have an excess of calories, even though you have recorded your mileage.

If you're not already in the habit of strength training, now is the time to start: in addition to increasing your BMR, strength training is a must for all runners, regardless of experience or skill. Strong leg, hip, and core muscles are essential for proper running form, range of motion, and prevention of common injuries.

Running, combined with a well-rounded strength program and a monitored diet, can help reduce fat. If you like running and want to lose some weight, put on your sneakers and run. Even if you don't have a goal of fat loss, running offers many physical and mental benefits.

If you don't like running, you can stop running-there are many ways to burn fat without hitting the track. Maintain a calorie deficit, start strength training, and find a cardio workout you enjoy.

Looking for more workout tips? Read what happened when I tried this dumbbell workout with over 1.3 million views, the 10 best exercises to blow away belly fat, and this 10-minute ab workout with 65 million views.

