Hawkeye Episode 4 Recap and Review: Oh Snap!

Hawkeye Episode 4 Recap and Review: Oh Snap!

In Hawkeye episode 4, Clint Barton's past comes back to haunt him (and kick his ass). The final scene features an all-out brawl between Clint (Jeremy Renner), Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld), and two very talented fighters. One of them is Maya Lopez, aka Echo (Alaqua Cox), whom we met last week.

The other antagonist is masked until the very end, when Clint unmasks her: ...... Well, I'll explain that later. Of course, there are some serious spoilers.

Read on to learn more about Hawkeye's latest film at Disney Plus.

Let's start with the identity of the masked figure who attacked Clint during the climactic rooftop riot: Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh), who first appeared in The Black Widow.

If you've seen the film, you know that Yelena was trained in the same assassin program as Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) and was her adopted daughter. Like Natasha, she has serious combat skills.

In the end credits scene of Black Widow, Yelena vows to get revenge on the person she believes killed her sister, Clint Barton.

When Clint and Kate go to Maya's apartment to retrieve her Rolex watch in episode 4, Clint takes up position on the roof of the building opposite while Maya is breaking in. Their mission goes awry when Maya attacks Kate and a mysterious masked man attacks Clint.

Their duel converges when Kate takes the zip line to the rooftop (interrupted momentarily when she comically gets stuck). Clint and Kate then team up to fight off both enemies, who appear to be working together. Finally, Kate fires an arrow at Maya and Maya flees.

When Clint manages to pull off Yelena's mask, she immediately shocks him. However, she does not consider the presence of anyone else. Kate sets her sights on Yelena and then hesitates. It reminds her of Clint's remark to her that "the best shot I ever took was the one I didn't take to kill Natasha."

Kate lowers her bow and allows Yelena to escape. Realizing that he is dealing with a very dangerous and highly trained assassin, Clint ends his partnership with Kate.

The partnership is fragile, and Clint refuses to acknowledge it. Last week's episode ended with Jack Duquesne (Tony Dalton) holding Ronin's sword to Clint's neck. After Eleanor Bishop (Vera Farmiga) recognizes Clint, Clint and Kate are forced to smooth talk about what they are doing and why Kate used her mother's security credentials.

Clint leaves, but Eleanor fears for Kate's safety. He then calls his wife Laura (Linda Cardellini) and asks her to look into Sloan LTD and track down the missing Rolex watch from the Avengers Complex.

It turns out that Jack is the CEO of a tracksuit mafia front company. 'He's laundering money for the big boys. Clint wonders.

Clint's question is another piece of evidence supporting Hawkeye's fan theory that the Daredevil villain Kingpin, fat Wilson Fisk, is Maya's "uncle."

Clint speaks with Maya's second-in-command, Kazi (Hla Fee), and goes on a side mission to convince Maya to stop her obsession with Ronin. The purpose is to get Maya to stop obsessing over Ronin.

Meanwhile, Kate has her own mission: to retrieve the trick arrow used in last week's chase. Since the arrow is located at an NYPD facility, she approaches the LARPers. In exchange for materials to make a new costume, they are willing to help.

Laura sends Clint an address with a clock. Apparently, the watch belongs to someone Clint used to work with, but it is no longer in the game. Before they get it back, Kate throws him a little Christmas celebration, knowing that he misses movie night with his family. It's a cute sequence filled with banter and fruity shakes. In addition, Clint teaches Kate how to fold a coin hard enough to turn off the TV (or knock someone out).

But the holiday cheer soon comes to an abrupt and painful end. Clint is forced to recall the moment when Kate fell from the roof and Natasha fell to her death. Horrified, Clint sees her hanging from a rope. It is all too similar to what happened in Vaumil in The Avengers: Avengers/Endgame.

So Clint keeps his promise to Kate's mother and sends her home safe.

A lot happens in "Partners, Am I Right." A major new character (for the series) is introduced, a new subject is given importance, and new information is conveyed. It feels like table setting for the last two episodes.

The best part of "Hawkeye" is still Clint and Kate's relationship. Their crackling, bursting master-disciple relationship is as entertaining as ever. An impromptu Christmas party for just the two of them allows them to have a good time. The little coin snapping lesson was hilarious. Let's call it Chekhov's coin snapping.

This scene also builds a deep understanding between the two. Kate was aware that Clint was a Ronin, but she let it pass. Of course, Clint is her longtime hero, so she is likely to be more forgiving than someone like Maya.

As for the fight scenes, I was somewhat disappointed. In episode 3, the car chase took place in bright daylight. The skirmishes in this episode again take place at night, making it difficult to see everything that is going on.

The point of this scene, of course, was to bring Yelena into the scene and dig into Clint's past trauma. It succeeded. Not only does it bring back Natasha's death, but it sets up a potential relationship similar to the one between Natasha and Clint.

A new Hawkeye and Black Widow, avenged once again. That's what I'm here for.

There are a lot of threads dangling in Hawkeye #4 that could get interesting in the last two episodes. The fact that Jack heads a company that is a front for the tracksuit mafia is no surprise. But he is starting to seem like a red herring. Eleanor is becoming increasingly suspicious. I wonder who she will call when Clint is gone. My money is on Maya.

And then there is the McGuffin, a Rolex watch. This is an important one, and it shows who it belonged to. My money is on Laura. She is clearly more involved in Clint's work than previously thought. And if the watch indicates a connection between her and S.H.I.E.L.D. or other organizations, the Barton family may be in even more danger.

Then there was talk of the "big guys" laundering money through Jack's company. This could reinforce the rumors in Hawkeye #5 that a big bad is in the works. If it is indeed the Kingpin, next week should be epic.

