Here's what happens to your body when you eat 1 extra calories in 1,000 days

Here's what happens to your body when you eat 1 extra calories in 1,000 days

If you're looking for an article telling you to cut back on carbs and fat this Thanksgiving, you're looking in the wrong place. [We believe that fitness is about more than numbers on a scale, and that enjoying the holidays with family and friends is just as important as working out hard. But what happens when you turn off the calorie counter and eat a lot of pie during the holiday season? Not so much, according to a new study.

The study, published in the American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, examined the effects of short-term overeating on the body. To do so, researchers at Deakin University in Australia examined the effects of overeating on eight healthy men with an average age of 22 years.

For the experiment, the men were given a high-calorie diet of about 1,000 calories more than the recommended daily allowance, and after five days, and then 28 days, they examined the effects of overeating on their bodies.

Participants' weight, fat mass, blood glucose, and insulin levels were measured before the experiment and after 5 and 28 days. The high-calorie diet consisted of snacks, fizzy drinks, and potato chips.

The results showed a 14% increase in visceral fat (fat that accumulates around abdominal organs) in the men after 5 days, but no other substantial effects on the body. The researchers found that none of the participants showed significant weight gain during the five-day overdose.

After 28 days of overeating, however, the situation was not rosy. Participants' fat mass increased, averaging about 3.5 pounds. There was also an increase in insulin resistance, which increases the likelihood of diabetes.

While it is important to note that no real conclusions can be drawn from such a small experiment, especially one conducted with an all-male sample and healthy BMI adults, the researchers concluded that the body can handle a short-term increase in caloric consumption without significant damage. They concluded that it can cope. [Our bodies are quite smart. Therefore, during periods of overeating, the body adjusts its metabolism based on energy needs. The researchers noted that while they are not recommending a five-day binge, the study suggests that relaxing and overeating a little during the holidays will not set back health goals in the long run.

If you find yourself craving greens and a killer workout after Thanksgiving, here's what you can do:

Work your abs with the Lily Sabri 7-day ab workout or the Pamela Reif 6-pack ab workout. Or, if you have already tried such exercises, here are some abdominal exercises you should stop doing right now. And if you've been sitting at your desk for too long, here are five exercises for people who sit all day.
