I tried BretmanRock ab workout but my abs are still burning after 24 hours

I tried BretmanRock ab workout but my abs are still burning after 24 hours

I don't often try workouts on YouTube, but when I saw Brettman Rock's "Absolute Workout" trending, I was intrigued; I ran a marathon two weeks ago, and I practice Pilates regularly. So when I first saw this workout, I thought it would be a walk in the park since it was only one round of exercises. I was wrong.

Brettman Rock is a digital celebrity known for his beauty videos, and his recent video, called "3 Easy Workouts to Look Pretty," quickly racked up over a million views on YouTube. According to Rock, his workouts are the result of a lifetime of experience as an athlete and working with trainers and CrossFit instructors. The video includes three workouts focusing on chest, cardio, and abs. Since God-given abs are a lifelong goal of mine, I decided to give the latter a try.

The workouts themselves are relatively simple and consist of low-impact, bodyweight exercises, so all you need is yourself and an exercise mat or yoga mat. [The workout is simple and consists of the following nine exercises: [Crunches: 20

To perform a crunch, first lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Put your hands behind your head and engage your core. Contract your abdominal muscles and lift your torso off the floor. Slowly lower back down. This is one rep.

In and out crunch: 40 reps

To perform an in and out crunch, begin sitting in a V position with your arms behind your back and palms on the floor. Lean your torso back while straightening your legs. Once your knees are back to your chest, lean your body back. To make it more challenging, lift both hands off the floor.

Elbow plank: 60 seconds

To perform the elbow plank, assume a push-up position and place your elbows on the floor. Inhale your navel toward your spine and make a straight line from the top of your head to your heels.

Rest 30 seconds

Plank with hip dips: 20 reps

To perform plank with hip dips, get into the same plank position as above, and while twisting your pelvis, drop your right hip to the floor (you don't have to actually touch it No problem), then think about dropping your left hip. This is one rep.

Mountain climbers: 40 reps

For mountain climbers, start in push-up position and extend as quickly as possible, pulling the right knee into the chest without touching the floor. Do the same for the left knee. This is one rep.

Scissors: 60 reps

Lie on your back, arms at your sides, palms to the floor. Engage your abdominal muscles and raise both legs straight up in the air, making sure to keep your hips flat against the floor. Lower the right leg to a few inches off the ground and raise it back up. Lower the left leg to the ground while raising the right leg. This is one rep.

Rest 30 seconds

Reverse crunch: 20 reps

To perform the reverse crunch, lie on your back with both legs in a table-top position. Engage your core, inhale to lift your hips off the floor and bring your legs back up to your chest. Exhale and return to the original position. This is one rep. [39] [40] Toe Crunches: 40 reps [41] [42] From a flat position with your back flat on the floor, raise both legs as straight as possible to the ceiling. Crunch your abs, lift your upper body upward with arms extended and touch your toes. This is one rep.

6-inch hold: 60 seconds

Lie on your back and lift both legs together about 6 inches off the floor. As you do so, keep your head and neck about 30 cm off the floor as well. Hold.

I know what you are thinking. That is not a mistake. The entire workout only took about 9 minutes, but the abdominal fire I experienced during the mountain climber section was real.

If I had to describe this workout in one word, it would be intense. By the time I got to the scissors, my core was shaking and the 30-second rest didn't feel long at all as a recovery. Rock explains in his YouTube video that he sometimes doesn't take breaks because he wants to get through the workout as fast as possible, and that alone is awe-inspiring. He also mentions the option of a 10-second rest between each exercise.

The last hollow hold was the longest 60 seconds of my life, but it was great to be able to do this entire workout in my living room at home. Even though I'm back in the gym after the pandemic, I still like to do the odd workout at home when my schedule doesn't allow me to go to the gym. It's a workout I can easily do on my lunch break or in between meetings (as long as my coworkers don't see my quivering torso when I get back to my desk).

My Thoughts. This is a quick 9-minute workout that I will definitely be incorporating into my weekly workout routine, and while I'm still not sure if I'll ever get J-Lo's abs, it's definitely an easy way to rock my core with minimal equipment.

If you've already tried this workout, check out Chloe Ting's YouTube workout for a burning experience.

