Want an arm like Thor? this is chris hemsworth's training.

Want an arm like Thor? this is chris hemsworth's training.

If you're looking for inspiration for your arms, look no further than Chris Hemsworth, who played Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hemsworth's toned arms were as notable in this film as a hammer bathed in lightning. Hemsworth's toned arms were as important to the film as the hammer bathed in lightning.

There has been much speculation as to how Hemsworth got into such great shape. In a recent Instagram post, Hemsworth discussed the occlusion training he did before his latest film, "Thor," which limits blood flow and oxygen to muscles during exercise. This technique, much seen during this year's Tokyo Olympics, can be accomplished by wrapping a band around the arm to trap blood in the arm and promote lactic acid buildup.

Hemsworth said, along with a video in which you can see the blood flow restricting band being worn, "By restricting blood flow and oxygen, the muscles are forced to work harder for a shorter period of time. Basically, it's one of the most uncomfortable training methods I've experienced, but it's also part of the puzzle that makes Thor's arms grow like racehorse legs."


Hemsworth is said to have also changed his diet when training to become Thor. Hemsworth's trainer, Luke Zocchi, who trained Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and Cate Blanchett for the film Thor, said in an interview with Page Six that Hemsworth ate six meals a day to bulk up for the role.

"We have a certain structure. He found that when he ate really big meals, he felt too heavy, so he's eating eight 450-calorie meals," Zocchi said. Therefore, Hemsworth eats a 450-calorie meal every two hours, or 3,600 calories a day. These meals were reportedly a mix of high-protein meals, including steak, chicken, fish, and sweet potato rice, with protein shakes (Chris, if you're reading this, we found the best protein shakes on the market here) in between.

But what about the arm training itself? Luckily, Zocchi revealed the exact workout he had Hemsworth do in an interview with Australian Men's Health. Want to get arms like Thor's? Here's how:

While we don't recommend trying occlusion training without the guidance of a qualified professional, this workout can be done in the gym to strengthen your arms. According to Zocchi, Hemsworth wanted to be "bigger" but "more functional. 'He didn't want to be big and immobile. We did some traditional bodybuilding, but we added a lot of more functional moves," he says.

Chris typically trained for an hour a day, three to four times a week. The workouts consisted of four supersets. A superset was one set of one exercise performed immediately after another set of another exercise, without rest. Between each round, Hemsworth would rest for 1.5 to 2 minutes. If doing the exercises at home, he finds adjustable dumbbells perfect for working out his arms in the living room.

Superset A - Complete 4 rounds, resting 1:30-2:00 minutes between rounds

15 x Standing Cable Bicep Curl

15 x Standing Cable Tricep Bar Pushdown

Super Set B - Complete 4 rounds with 1:30-2:00 min rest between rounds

Super Set B - Complete 4 rounds with 1:30-2:00 min rest between rounds: Super Set C: Complete 4 rounds with 1:30-2:00 min rest

[18 15 x Standing Dumbbell Curls

15 x Bench Triceps Dumbbell Scull Crushers

Superset C: Complete 4 rounds, rest 1:30-2:00 minutes

15 x Seated Dumbbell Incline Curl

15 x Cable Triceps Rope Pushdowns

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