Twitch Leaks Reveal a competitor to steam called steam

Twitch Leaks Reveal a competitor to steam called steam

Twitch, a game-centric live streaming platform, has suffered a data breach of what can only be described as disastrous proportions. Along with information on top streamers' subscriptions and revenues, Twitch is apparently working, or was working, on a Steam competitor called Vapor.

According to our sister site PC Gamer, the platform's name is likely a cheeky codename, as it seems unlikely that Twitch would copy Steam's name exactly; not only does Vapor compete with Steam and the Epic Games Store, but it's also a "new" version of Steam's "Vapor. it would integrate Twitch-centric functionality for popular titles like Fortnite and PUBG.

Twitch's official Twitter account confirmed today (October 6) that a "breach has occurred," but did not confirm the nature or scope of the stolen data.

Unfortunately, little other information is available. At this point, we don't even know if Vapor will happen.

What we do know is that, aside from in-game integration with Twitch, there was code for a game called Vapeworld. It does not appear to be a vape store simulator. Rather, it may be an open-world metaverse type platform like VRChat.

Interestingly, Vapeworld also included some familiar, albeit curious, assets. There were 3D emoticons by painter Bob Ross, cards from the game Hearthstone, and other 3D models we don't fully understand.

Apart from the Vape world, it is interesting to see the supposed incomes of some of Twitch's biggest stars. If the leaked files are authentic, streamers like FĂ©lix "xQc" Lengyel would have earned over $8.4 million before taxes. Another top streamer, Ludwig Ahlgren, who recently surpassed Tyler "Ninja" Blevins' paying subscribers, earned $3.2 million.

It is unclear which year these earnings reflect. The pseudonymous hacker who posted the link to the torrent containing the stolen data said financial records date back to 2019.

With approximately 125 GB of data available, gamers, security researchers, and possibly Twitch's competitors may have to look through all the documents. It will be some time before all the information comes to light. However, we will continue to watch for any important information.
