The iPad Mini 6 is already having a big problem — What you Need to Know

The iPad Mini 6 is already having a big problem — What you Need to Know

You are not the only one who has noticed a display glitch on the new iPad mini 6. Several reports of a "jerry-scroll" effect, where both sides of the display scroll at different speeds.

According to 9to5Mac, the problem is easier to spot in portrait mode, where the different scrolling speeds cause a noticeable jolt when trying to navigate up and down the page. This is not necessarily ideal.

The Verge's Dieter Bohn was one of the users affected by this issue and, while not without problems, managed to get a "jelly effect" with the camera. Apparently, it is difficult to show this problem on camera, but Bohn managed to show it accurately by filming in slow motion.

Pretty shocking, right? Oddly enough, according to a reader who spoke to 9to5Mac, the problem also occurred on all the demo units at a nearby Apple Store.

Thankfully, the issue should have already been caught on Apple's radar, as Apple Store demo units were reportedly plagued by the jelly scrolling issue. However, the problem could be quite widespread.

Unfortunately, it is not clear what the problem is and whether this is a hardware issue or some software glitch that Apple can patch with an over-the-air update. In any case, the only saving grace seems to be that this effect is more difficult to detect in landscape mode.

We can only wait for Apple to figure out what is causing this problem and the potential fixes available. Otherwise, Apple's repair team will be much busier than usual.

In the meantime, affected users will have to either endure the effects of the wobble while waiting for a solution or start using landscape mode much more than originally planned.
