Google Calendar will now tell you how much time a meeting sucks from your life

Google Calendar will now tell you how much time a meeting sucks from your life

Meetings have always been a feared part of work culture. And if your boss is anything like the one in "The Office," meetings can be a waste of time. Google Calendar is hoping to provide more data on how much time meetings take up from users.

According to a blog post from Google Workspace, the company has announced Time Insights for Google Calendar. As the name suggests, this feature gives users an accurate breakdown of time spent in meetings.

However, Time Insights is not available to all users. At this time, Time Insights is available to Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Plus, and Nonprofits customers. This feature will be available to customers of Google Workspace Business Standard The feature will be rolled out gradually over the next 15 to 20 days.

Google cites a change in work culture due to the beginning of the pandemic early last year as the reason for this new feature. This is supposedly an effort by Google to give workers more control over their work lives.

"With more meetings, some may find it harder to control how they spend their time at work, and Time Insights can show them this data and help them plan their time better," Google's blog post states.

Time Insights provides users with a breakdown of time based on hours worked and types of meetings. Other data includes time spent in meetings, frequency of meetings, who spent the most time in meetings, etc.

Interestingly, only employees can see this data, not managers or supervisors. This is so that employees can "assess how they are spending their time in relation to their priorities. However, employees can give their managers shared access, so that their managers can also see insights into their personal time.

It is also up to the administrator to enable employee time insights. (There is no administrator control in the Business Standard domain.)

Google is doing a phased rollout of Time Insights; beginning August 30, administrators will have access to this feature for 13 days. Employee rollout will begin on September 6 and take 15 days. However, this is only for domains on the Rapid Release Schedule. For all others, the rollout will begin on September 20 and take 15 days to reach all users.

Customers of Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Education Fundamentals, Frontline, G Suite Basic, and Business, Time insights are not available.
