Here are the reasons why you should not install the leaked version of Windows11:

Here are the reasons why you should not install the leaked version of Windows11:

While it may be tempting to install the version of Windows 11 that has leaked onto the Internet, it is better to wait until the official announcement scheduled for June 24.

According to those who have taken the time to install the next version of Windows, it is a tedious process to perform because Microsoft has put in place a system that prevents proper installation. What this means is that users who took the time to install the leaked software on their machines will have to jump through hoops just to run the incapacitated version of the operating system update. the impending launch of Windows 11 With the imminent launch of Windows 11, it is probably not worth the hassle.

The builds that are currently online are incomplete and may have bugs. These bugs could lead to system crashes or other problems. For this reason, many people choose to run Windows 11 in a virtual machine. However, running Windows 11 in a virtual machine is much less effective because software is used to emulate the hardware.

At this time, it is not possible to download Windows 11 directly from Microsoft. This means that you have to look online for unofficial ISOs. And of course, with every large download frenzy, there are malicious vendors who try to infect the download with potentially malicious software. For these reasons, we absolutely do not recommend installing Windows 11, especially on your main computer or any machine connected to your network.

If these warnings do not dissuade you, you should at least use a secondary machine for your particular copy of Windows 11. Make sure the test machine is completely wiped and has no sensitive information. As mentioned above, copies of Windows 11 must run in a virtual machine, which may limit functionality; the YouTube channel LinusTechTips walks through the process of installing Windows 11. [Experts in the LinusTechTips office were able to get Windows 11 to run almost natively using an Nvidia RTX GPU and unRAID. But it was still a very circuitous method. And most users probably do not have the expertise or equipment to take advantage of this loophole, given the current lack of restocking of RTX 3080s.

Nevertheless, according to host Linus Sebastian, Windows 11 is snappy and responsive. There were a few odd UI quirks in the next build, such as a change in right-click behavior, but otherwise it seemed to run smoothly. The game was also fast and responsive. From Counter Strike to Global Offensive to Red Dead Redemption 2, the Nvidia drivers installed without any problems.
