Windows10 is fixing one of its most annoying issues — 1 - How do you do it here

Windows10 is fixing one of its most annoying issues — 1 - How do you do it here

Praise be to the god of multiple monitors, or more accurately, Microsoft. Many of us have recently been forced to work from home, and as a result, we probably have dual monitors (or more) in order to work more efficiently. If so, you may have experienced the frustration of Windows 10 not putting windows back where they belong.

This fix should help prevent the problem of all programs appearing on the wrong screen when the computer goes to sleep and wakes up from sleep. According to Microsoft's blog post, this is a DisplayPort-related issue, so desktop HDMI users should not suffer in the same way. The problem is caused by something called Rapid Hot Plug Detect.

The fix is currently being tested with the Microsoft Windows Insider Program. If you are a member, you should have access to build 21287 or higher, and if you are running this or a newer build, the problem should be resolved soon. This update should enter the mainstream Windows Update cycle later this year and will be ready in October, according to The Verge.

Microsoft has been busy this year making Windows better. We know that an update is coming that will revamp the visual style of the operating system. This will bring a solution to another major problem Microsoft has: the clutter of the old Windows interface running alongside the modern one.

The company has also been working on new battery life saving technology that will work alongside your Intel or AMD processor (if recent) and help your PC consume power more gently and keep battery life as long as possible.

Hopefully, high on Microsoft's list is also a meme-worthy fix to the search functionality: ever since 10 was released, finding something in Windows has been an absolute chore, and finding the apps you've installed is as difficult as it was in Vista, or maybe even more so! It's absolutely maddening how difficult it is.
