iPhone Flip Bad news? New survey Says iPhone owners Don't Want Foldable

iPhone Flip Bad news? New survey Says iPhone owners Don't Want Foldable

Been waiting for an iPhone Flip or Foldable iPhone? There is bad news. A new survey reveals that Apple smartphone owners are least interested in purchasing a foldable device compared to owners of Samsung and LG smartphones.

According to the survey conducted by YouGov, only 13% of iPhone owners were "very interested" in purchasing a foldable phone. On the other hand, 26% of the same demographic said they were "not at all interested" in a foldable handset. Another 22% of respondents said they were "not very interested.

Samsung and LG owners are more likely to want foldable handsets, with 15% of Samsung phone owners and 31% of LG phone owners saying they are "very interested."

This contrast in results is curious given that there are already several Samsung foldable phones, including the Samsung Z Flip and Samsung Z Fold 2. There are also rumors that the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 and Samsung Z Flip 3 are in the works.

The survey also acknowledges that LG is closing its cell phone business, so it makes sense that the company's existing users are switching to another Android brand that is foldable.

This is only speculation based on the survey results. Similarly, the YouGov survey results do not mean that Apple will simply stop developing a foldable iPhone. Nevertheless, if nearly half of its customers do not want a foldable phone, would it devote the time and resources to developing a foldable phone?

The survey results speak more to shoppers' attitudes today. In a few years, when foldable iPhones are actually available for sale, people may be more attracted to devices with foldable displays.

I think iPhone owners need to see an actual iPhone Flip, or some sort of foldable iPhone, before they want it. iPhone design has inspired intense brand loyalty, mostly because the latest When you see an iPhone, you know it's an iPhone, regardless of the year it was released.

A folding iPhone would be a departure from the iconic design of the product. It is complicated to ask someone if they would be interested in buying something unfamiliar, something that looks so different from what they already know.

Nevertheless, Apple has been successful in selling entirely new devices to its customers. The best wireless earbuds like Apple's AirPods have never been seen before, and now the AirPods are the gold standard in this category.

Apple customers, including myself, need to see the finished product before we are convinced to buy the company's first foldable smartphone. Of course, there are those who will buy anything Apple sells, no questions asked. But Apple's new products are usually successful because Apple brings a finished product to market. There is no risk of a fiasco like Samsung's Galaxy Fold.

Yes, Apple's customers would want a foldable iPhone in a heartbeat if Apple gave them a reason to want one, and the YouGov survey results only show that Apple is not giving users a reason to express interest in a foldable device. merely because they are not interested.
