iOS 15 Leak just revealed top new iPhone features - and new iPad Home Screen

iOS 15 Leak just revealed top new iPhone features - and new iPad Home Screen

While many are eagerly awaiting the release of iOS 14.5, Apple's iOS 15 is not far behind. In fact, Apple's WWDC event this summer will announce what can be expected in the next full iOS release.

Bloomberg reports that Apple is preparing to make a number of improvements in the next update. These include revamping the way users interact with notifications, adding widgets to the iPad home screen, updating the lock screen, and adjusting privacy.

iOS 15 is set to include some nice overhauls to notifications. You will be able to set up filters based on your status (sleeping, driving, working, etc.) and tell iOS how you want notifications to appear during that status.

Basically, you tell your phone whether or not to ring notifications and other minor control options. You can also set up auto-replies based on these statuses. iOS 14 allows you to do this while driving, but it would be great to see this feature extended to other statuses as well.

In other big news, Bloomberg reports that iPadOS 15 will include widgets on the home screen. The publication even claims that this update will be "the most significant update to the device's home screen since the product was first launched in 2010." [iOS 15 should give users access to a new menu for viewing app privacy information. Here, you will be able to see what information installed apps are collecting about you, similar to the privacy labels found in the App Store.

Apple is trying to compete with WhatsApp and plans to do so by adding social features to iMessage. What exactly that will look like is still unclear, but according to Bloomberg, Apple plans to discuss its plans later.

Finally, Bloomberg reports that macOS, watchOS, and tvOS will all receive minor updates.

We'll have to wait a few months to hear the full story of iOS 15, but this is the first deluge of information about what we can expect. iOS 15 is hardly as shocking as iOS 14, but updates to notification filters and iPadOS home screen widgets are be a welcome addition.

iOS 14.5 will be released soon and will add many additional features, including unlocking with the Apple Watch and an updated podcast app. Stay tuned.
