Forget the Galaxy Z Fold 3 - Samsung's Double foldable phone just leaked

Forget the Galaxy Z Fold 3 - Samsung's Double foldable phone just leaked

Samsung may not be launching the Galaxy Note 21 this year, but it is preparing new additions to its foldable Z series to replace it: the Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 2 are slated for a 2021 launch, with a third foldable with a unique design rumored for later this year. A third foldable model with a unique design is rumored to join the lineup later this year.

The Galaxy Z Fold 2 and Galaxy Z Flip can be folded once along one hinge. This third foldable device will be a dual-fold phone with two hinges. It will reportedly utilize the more common 16:9 or 18:9 aspect ratio for apps, games, and video content.

For comparison, the Galaxy Z Fold 2 offers a 25:9 aspect ratio, which is not suitable for users of apps like Snapchat and Instagram. The Galaxy Z Flip supports a narrower aspect ratio of 21.9:9. A standard aspect ratio would make the mysterious foldable more app-friendly.

This report is by Nikkei Asia, which cites internal sources. The bifold device in Samsung's Galaxy Z series may appear as early as this year. If so, it will likely be unveiled at Samsung's Unpacked event in September. However, this does not necessarily mean that manufacturers will follow the same format at this year's event as they did last year.

This is not the first time that Samsung is working on a third folderable to add to its lineup, with CFO and president Choi Yoon-ho dropping hints himself. In the company's Q4 results (via Seeking Alpha), Choi said he could not talk about unannounced products, but he did preview that Samsung is working on "several form factor designs" related to the foldable category. This is consistent with what we have heard so far, as we are also seeing multiple patents for (bifold) trifold devices.

Nikkei Asia adds that Samsung is keen to strengthen its foldable product range because it will be a popular phone with a unique design compared to the more expensive and mainstream candy bar design phones like the Galaxy S21. Indeed, Samsung has high ambitions to match the Galaxy Note series in folding sales, which should not be too difficult since the Galaxy Note 21 was reportedly canceled due to supply shortages.

Details are still thin on the ground, and none have been confirmed at this stage. However, Samsung is notorious for leaking its own products, so we will no doubt hear more soon.
