Apple's Car Surprise - Apple May Ditch Automakers in Favor of Foxconn

Apple's Car Surprise - Apple May Ditch Automakers in Favor of Foxconn

The Apple Car could be manufactured by the same people in the same way Apple manufactures the iPhone.

According to a new report from Bloomberg, Apple may turn to manufacturing partners with whom it already has relationships to produce the car, following the cancellation of negotiations with car companies. While this sounds strange at first, it actually makes surprisingly good sense.

Apple could simply open its own factory to manufacture cars, but that would require an enormous amount of work and investment. Cupertino tends to design a variety of devices and have manufacturing companies produce them.

Therefore, manufacturing an Apple car would require the help of a car company or a contract manufacturer that could build the car to Apple's specifications.

Foxconn has proven that it can manufacture the iPhone and has been the manufacturer of each version since the first iPhone in 2007. However, it should go without pointing out that an automobile is very different from a phone.

Fortunately, Foxconn has already established relationships with electric car companies Byron and Fisker, and should have at least some infrastructure in place to support the manufacture of Apple cars.

This is also where Magna comes in. This Canadian company is an expert in automated and electric vehicle technology and already provides parts to many well-known car brands. Moreover, it reportedly already discussed manufacturing a car with Apple in 2016, but nothing came to fruition. Rumors suggest that the Apple Car will be both an electric and autonomous vehicle, so Magna is still an obvious partner for Apple half a century later.

This is not the only approach Apple is investigating. Recently, negotiations with Hyundai Motor Company were reported to have fallen through; according to industry sources mentioned in a Bloomberg report, Apple would essentially have a hard time finding a car company willing to manufacture rival cars at its facilities, and thus Foxconn or Magna are the only logical choices.

Rumors of an Apple Car have been flying around in a flurry this year, but we will have to wait until at least 2024, if not 2025-26. Nevertheless, it looks to be quite a machine, with LiDAR-based navigation, AI management, and monocell battery technology, plus an interior and body designed with Apple's signature luxury fixtures.
