This 10 minute body weight workout builds strength without equipment

This 10 minute body weight workout builds strength without equipment

Bodyweight training helps build muscle and strength throughout the body while improving flexibility and cardio fitness. If you travel a lot or need a convenient bodyweight workout that you can do at home, save this workout.

This 10-minute home workout is by Fraser Wilson (opens in new tab), whose YouTube workouts have received millions of views and subscribers. This particular workout may seem simple, with 30 seconds of work per exercise, but the rest of the workout is fragmented and the exercises are done back to back.

"Functional" bodyweight workouts are great for building functional muscle and strengthening the body. In fact, if you do not have weights handy, this calisthenics workout is recommended. But what does "functional" mean? Almost every movement in this workout is a compound exercise, meaning it uses multiple major muscle groups and joints. Performed several times a week, it is a great way to work a muscle group multiple times.

As a trainer, I firmly believe that you should train multiple muscle groups several times a week whenever possible, especially if the goal is to improve strength or increase muscle mass. While isolation exercises such as bicep curls definitely have the time and place to strengthen one part of the body, compound exercises get the job done quickly and efficiently, targeting more muscles in just a few exercises and increasing overall calorie expenditure.

Beginners can follow along with Wilson's video below and pause when they need a break. Otherwise, move quickly to the next exercise with little or no rest until Wilson gives you a 30-second break. It is worth reviewing this at least once before doing it so you know what to expect. You can even get the best adjustable dumbbells to increase the load and intensity. But trust me, you'll want to do this.

There are no set sets or reps, but try to keep your reps consistent and aim for at least 8-12 per exercise. Push-ups target the chest and shoulders more than push-ups, which work the triceps, so control the movement and focus on squeezing the chest tight at the top.

Some exercises require maintaining a back-to-back plank position. If you have wrist mobility issues, it is recommended that you drop to your knees whenever possible and quickly stretch your wrists during the allotted rest periods.

Core exercises such as toe stands, Russian twists, and oblique crunches should be worked on for a full 30 seconds if possible, keeping the trunk tight and trying to breathe with the diaphragm rather than the chest. If your workout routine is fairly heavy on the torso, but you want crunches rather than burpees, check out this Pilates ab workout for abs and glutes for a more direct approach.

No matter what exercises you prefer, throwing a few bodyweight workouts into the mix will challenge your muscles and keep you motivated. According to this study (open in new tab), bodyweight training increases lean body mass and improves body control, coordination, and muscular endurance.

And before you ask, there are burpees. But you can do anything for 30 seconds, right?

Next: try Chris Hemsworth's 200-rep bodyweight workout.
