Watch in awe as Boston Dynamic's atlas robot grabs, jumps, throws and flips like a human.

Watch in awe as Boston Dynamic's atlas robot grabs, jumps, throws and flips like a human.

Beyond ChatGPT, this robot can do more than generate human-like sentences. Boston Dynamic's Atlas robot is surprising viewers with new capabilities that show it is becoming increasingly human-like.

Atlas was once able to run a parkour course (open in new tab). A few years later, the humanoid robot continued to evolve, using new claw-like grippers that act almost like human hands, allowing it to grab and throw.

A video released by Boston Dynamics (opens in new tab) shows Atlas delivering a bag of tools to a construction worker.

The video begins with a construction worker on scaffolding who has forgotten his tools. That's when Atlas, the star of the video, appears, picks up a wooden plank and places it between two boxes to form a bridge. The robot then grabs the bag with both grippers, climbs the stairs, and jumps up and over the bridge. It then successfully tosses the bag to the worker. Finally, it concludes its showmanship by pushing down a large crate and performing a complex multi-axis flip.

It is jaw dropping to see a robot perform such a complex task, and even perform a triumphant somersault at the end, so brilliantly and accurately. Of course, there is a huge team of engineers behind this video, but to see a robot become human overnight is both inspiring and terrifying at the same time.

In a follow-up video (opens in new tab), Boston Dynamics explains the programming and engineering of the Atlas software. It shows how the robot is now able to recognize and learn objects in its environment. This is much more complex and layered than the parkour sequence the robot previously performed.

Atlas is equipped with two cameras, a color camera and a depth sensor, which, according to engineers, work similarly to the human eye. The humanoid is equipped with a computer that processes what the cameras capture.

There are also new programs that help the robot understand the forces of objects on its own body, so that it does not fall over when picking up heavy objects, for example. It also helps Atlas understand the physics of holding an object, such as how fast it can jump or turn while holding an object.

Engineers also run simulations of the Atlas' tasks in advance to see how it behaves and help them understand the limits of what the robot can do in the real world.

The final somersault flip performed by Atlas in the video is much more developed than previous parkour feats. The video explains that the robot could not have made this jump just a year ago. Now, thanks to controller changes and new programming, it can perform impressive multi-axis flips. According to the video, the internals call this a "sick flip," which is essentially a 540-degree inversion move. Skills!

Atlas is not only competing against an AI program called ChatGPT, but also against Tesla's AI-focused humanoid Optimus. Atlas is a Boston Dynamics research platform and is not for sale. Tesla has also stated that it will be three to five years before it sells Optimus.

Humans have been able to reach the top of the evolutionary pyramid because of their opposable thumbs. Now that robots have capable grippers, it will be interesting (and frightening) to see where humanoids like Atlas will go next.
