Android14beta2.1 offers much needed bug fixes - here's what's included

Android14beta2.1 offers much needed bug fixes - here's what's included

There is a reason software goes through different layers of testing before it starts rolling out to everyone - so far, Android 14 has proven to be a prime example of that reason.

The beta version of Android 14 was particularly buggy, and Beta 2 seemed to follow suit. Fortunately, version 2.1 of the beta has some much-needed bug fixes.

The bug fixes are far from the most exciting updates in the world, but they are very important; Android 14 cannot be rolled out until it is sufficiently stable. And the more bugs that are fixed now, the better the final product will inevitably be. In other words, hopefully there will be fewer problems that arise after the stable version is released to the public.

One of the main bug fixes in Android 14 beta 2.1 is to fix a bug that stops people from opting out of the beta program. This is a fairly serious problem, especially if the beta software is too buggy to use properly.

The release notes state that this fix is not backwards compatible. So if you're running Android 14 Beta 2.0 and want out, you're going to have to update your phone before you can revert to a stable release. Once you've updated, head to Google's FAQ for more information on how you can ditch the beta version once and for all.

Other interesting bug fixes include resolving issues with the battery percentage gauge and notifications from Google Messages. Apparently, some people were seeing 0% battery when in fact they were not. No doubt that caused some confusion and anxiety.

It appears that the problem with the messages was the habit of not showing notifications when the Always On Display was active. It is curious that such an issue could arise and cause strange problems, but that is why beta testing exists.

The update also includes a number of minor issues, such as the always-on display turning off when connected to a wired Android Auto. It also reportedly fixes a variety of stability issues, including continued crashes of apps and devices, issues with Google TV's picture-in-picture mode, Google Photos and Contacts, and audio disruptions on the device's speakers.

All of these should be fixed once the device is updated to the latest version of Android 14 beta.

It is not yet known when Android 14 will be released to the public, but it is likely that it will be released in August at the earliest - the same month that Android 13 was announced last year. Google plans at least three more beta releases between now and then, excluding bug fixes like beta 2.1; Pixel phones will be the first to get the update when it becomes available, and the Pixel 8 series will be the first to get the likely to run the software.

To see all the latest news and rumors surrounding the next version of Google's mobile OS, you can check out the Android 14 hub. And if you don't want to wait for the public release, be sure to check out our guide on how to download the Android 14 beta.
