Forget kettlebell or plank - This dumbbell workout will sculpt muscles in 5 rounds and 20 minutes

Forget kettlebell or plank - This dumbbell workout will sculpt muscles in 5 rounds and 20 minutes

A full-body dumbbell workout that builds muscle tone and endurance in just 20 minutes and 5 rounds. Join us.

We love to create and seek out quick and effective workouts that we ourselves would use. Tamara Anthony and bring the flame with a 20-move full-body blaster that uses two dumbbells to work upper and lower body and core muscles hard for 20 minutes.

He can lift heavy weights, but he doesn't have to. Anthony recommends lighter dumbbells for upper body exercises and heavier options for the lower body, again depending on your current fitness level. If you can't choose between different types of dumbbells, a guide to the best adjustable dumbbells will save you the trouble of changing weights during your workout.

Remember to maintain good form and always lift with control. If possible, have a personal trainer check your form if you are unsure of any movements.

Throughout the short session, target all major muscle groups, including the back, chest, shoulders, arms, trunk, glutes, and leg muscles. If you don't have any weights on hand, some of the moves can be done with a resistance band and two plastic bottles of water, but flexibility exercises that can be done with just your own body weight are more appropriate (and, of course, require a great playlist).

These movements work the muscles hard, but if your goal is to increase lean body mass and build strength, you should exercise consistently several times a week, incorporate a mix of resistance training and exercises you enjoy, and employ the muscle-building technique of progressive overload to achieve the appropriate intensity of You will need to achieve this. If you don't have much equipment on hand and want to get creative with your training, here are five clever ways to build muscle without lifting heavy weights.

I encourage you to watch the video below to check your form and learn how to perform each exercise actively using your muscles. Work your stomach muscles and squeeze the muscle groups you are working in a healthy way by engaging them each time you move. Avoid throwing weights and move in a controlled manner at all times.

The workout uses a 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off format; each of the five rounds consists of four new exercises, ending with an ab blaster.

These include:


Plank to Row

Around the World

Squat to Press

Triceps Extension


Alternating Shoulder Press

Hammer Curl to Bicep Curl

Pulsing Squat

Back Fly


Front to Lateral Raise

Chest Fly

Side Lunges

Hip Thrusts


Bicep Curl to Press [51] [52] Reverse Lunges [53] [54] Chest Press [55] [56] Overhead Extensions [57] [58] ROUND 5 [59 [60] [60] Russian Twist [61] [62] Sit-Ups [63] [64] Sit-Ups Sit-Ups

Plank Pull-Through


In Round 1, the first exercise is plank to row. Start with a high plank, step one leg out into a lunge position, and perform dumbbell rows with both arms. Keep your elbows close to your ribs, back flat, chest up, and abdominals tight. If uncomfortable, alternate sides.

Exercises over reps are difficult to time consistently, so aim for 8-12 reps per exercise; you should be able to log about 10 reps in 45 seconds, but don't rush to get there - aim for consistency.

Smaller muscle groups fatigue faster, so isolation exercises such as triceps extensions and biceps curls work a variety of muscle groups, such as chest presses, and allow you to lift lighter weights than compound exercises that can handle larger loads They can also be used to lift lighter weights than compound exercises, which can handle larger loads.

There are also events that use a wider range of motion (e.g., "Around the World"), which may require lighter weights to stimulate more muscles for longer periods of time. And in case you're wondering when "penguin" became a fitness term rather than waterfowl waddling, this is just another (and arguably more accurate) name for heel touch.

It's a well-rounded workout that saves time at the gym and works out major muscle groups. Hormones, sleep, and diet are just a few factors that affect your body fat percentage and ability to lose weight.

Aside from that, a full-body workout that combines compound and isolation exercises is ideal for fatiguing muscles and working more areas in less time. Basically, it is more effective. If possible, warm up quickly and target the muscles to be worked throughout the body. A good rule of thumb is to prioritize activation and mobility, i.e., moving limbs around joints rather than sitting in static stretches.

At Tom's Guide, we love stretching. I recently tried stretching with StretchLab to increase flexibility, but have yet to recover.

