Spotify can use AI-generated audio to read personalized ads

Spotify can use AI-generated audio to read personalized ads

AI is everywhere now and will spread further as companies figure out what they can accomplish with the technology Spotify is one of many companies jumping on the AI bandwagon and appears to have plans to expand it. That plan might include using AI to read out ads.

The revelation comes from Bill Simmons (via Insider), founder of The Ringer, a podcast network under Spotify. In an episode of his podcast, "The Bill Simmons Podcast," Simmons confirmed that Spotify is developing AI tools designed to mimic the host's voice.

"I don't think Spotify would be offended by this, but we are developing something like that," Simmons said. 'There will be ways to use my voice in advertising. But from an advertising standpoint, it opens up all sorts of wonderful possibilities."

Simmons did not go into specifics, but this use of AI may enable the creation of ads with deeper personalization. But in a way that may be faster and cheaper than hiring a human to record it - even more so if it is the voice of a celebrity or a famous person.

In doing so, Spotify could create commercials for a specific city or region, or even for you personally. It all depends on what data the streaming service has and how easy or costly it is to create these ads.

Personally, I hope the ads don't get that hyper-targeted; it would be pretty creepy to hear a Spotify ad calling your name.

Simmons also talked about the potential for AI to make podcasts more accessible through improved translation technology. Simmons also discussed the potential for AI to make podcasts more accessible through improved translation technology. Simmons even speculated that AI, learning from his previous writings and podcasting work, might one day be able to create entirely new and original episodes of his podcast.

Spotify told Insider that it has nothing specific to announce, but it is no secret that the company has invested in AI technology very recently; Spotify DJ uses AI to mimic the atmosphere of a traditional radio station, offering songs it thinks you'll enjoy, with each song and adds personalized AI-generated comments between each song.

This is likely just the tip of the proverbial iceberg regarding Spotify and AI. Especially now that the AI arms race is heating up.
