I tried Carrie Underwood's leg training — this is what happened

I tried Carrie Underwood's leg training — this is what happened

Almost as famous as Carrie Underwood's singing voice are her toned and toned legs. To find out the secret, we tried Underwood's leg day workout one morning. Read on to see what happened afterwards.

As a fitness editor, I am no stranger to fitness challenges. I recently did 100 deadbugs a day for a week, and before that, 30 sit-ups a day for 30 days. And as a runner, I run and strength train several times a week. If you are a complete beginner, you may want to start with body weight exercises or consult a personal trainer to make sure your form is correct before adding weights.

Luckily, Carrie Underwood's longtime personal trainer, Eve Overland, has given the star plenty of leg workouts over the years. Following one of the workouts that Overland posted on her Instagram, she worked out her legs after running five miles.

Of course, the secret to building lean muscle is to mix up your workouts (so don't do the squat challenge), eat well, and get plenty of rest and recovery In a 2020 interview with Women's Health magazine, Under Wood said her leg workout consists of six supersets of three movements, with three to four sets of each. The exercises listed included tuck jumps, Romanian deadlifts, walking lunges, and elevated sumo squats.

The star also said he likes to run on a treadmill (check here for the best treadmills and the best treadmill workouts to try), and he incorporates plenty of cardio in his routine.

The workout her trainer taught her, which she tried for this article, went something like this:

For this routine, you'll need a set of dumbbells (check out the best adjustable dumbbells for weight training at home), a Bosu ball, and a step You will need to prepare a set of dumbbells, Bosu balls, and steps. The workout should be performed in supersets. A superset is a series of a certain number of exercises (two or three in this workout) performed consecutively without rest.

Superset 1:

(perform 3 rounds)

Heel Raise Dumbbell Squats: 12-15 reps, rest 30 seconds. Dumbbell crossover step-ups: 10 reps on each side, rest 10 seconds Touchdowns: 12 reps per leg, 1 min rest

Superset 2:

(3 rounds completed)

Dumbbell deflection smoe deadlifts: 12-15 reps, 30 sec rest Bosu Dome Up Self-weight Single Leg Deadlift: 10 reps on each leg, 10 sec rest Bosu Up and Over: superset 3:

(3 rounds completed)

Single leg dumbbell box squat and forward lunge combo: 8-10 reps per leg, 30 sec rest Log hop: About 30 seconds into this workout, I regretted running 5 miles before heading to the gym. I was forced to target my quads during the heel-floating dumbbell squats. This circuit is no joke, and supersets are designed to save time by working one major muscle group hard before moving on to the next.

For the first superset, I held a 5 kg weight in each hand. When choosing the right weight for your training, remember that it should be a weight that makes the exercise feel difficult by the last few reps, but not impossible. Also, the weight should not cause a loss of form.

As always, if you are new to exercising or returning to exercising after an injury, it is recommended that you check your form with a personal trainer before adding weights to your movements.

The added wobble of the Bosu ball forced my legs to work harder to maintain balance, and I was far from smiling like Overland did in the demo video.

Working out with the Bosu ball has many benefits, but the main benefit is that when you stand on the ball, your muscles have to work harder to stabilize your body. The Boss Ball is unstable, so it works the smaller muscles of the torso, while still targeting the leg muscles. Results

The final superset reminded me how much I need to work on single leg squats, also known as pistol squats. While I was able to do the pistol squat with the left of my right leg (albeit with a bit of wobble), my weak left leg was definitely a challenge.

This combo move forced me to slow down the movement and focus on form before hitting the leg on the log hop. It was a good leg workout, and when I left the gym I knew I had overworked my lower body. [Of course, I didn't wake up the next day with Carrie Underwood's sculpted pins, but the workout reminded me that muscle growth often requires weight training and strength training as well as cardio. If you read Underwood's interview, she definitely trains hard and eats well. So don't expect this workout to make a difference overnight. You may have a hard time walking down the stairs the next day, though.

