iOS17 only stole 1 of the best pixel camera features

iOS17 only stole 1 of the best pixel camera features

The iOS 17 beta has been released and there has been a lot of deep diving to see what upgrades it will offer. In particular, upgrades that Apple has yet to tell us about but have the potential to be incredibly useful. Take, for example, the new camera level for getting the perfect angle photo.

If this feature sounds familiar, that's because it has been available on Google Pixel phones for the past few years. The camera level is on by default and helps you see exactly how straight your phone is when taking pictures. It also has a virtual horizon designed to keep the phone as straight as possible.

This is a feature I use a lot and find incredibly useful at times. It's also great for those shots where you really can't be bothered to make sure everything is set up perfectly and not too obtrusive. And now it seems iPhone owners will be able to enjoy their own version.

The Levels feature in the iOS 17 beta is not turned on by default, but anyone running the beta should be able to switch it on quickly. Simply head to the Settings menu and scroll down to the Camera app. Scroll to the very bottom and you will see a "Levels" toggle just below the grid.

In general, this works much like the Pixel's level, with a white line appearing on the screen as the phone approaches perfectly straight and turning amber when it reaches it. However, it is not exactly the same as the Pixel Camera's level.

The camera level in iOS 17 is not always visible; it appears when the phone approaches perfectly straight. It also disappears rather quickly if the line turns amber or if the phone is tilted a little too far.

Unlike Google, which disappears when the phone is tilted up to 45 degrees, the iPhone's level disappears much more quickly. Frankly, I wish Apple would make the level appear a little longer. Otherwise, I would suspect that this feature has stopped working. After all, this is beta software, and that is always a very real possibility.

Also, there is only one level to indicate how straight your phone is, and there is no virtual horizon for Pixel owners to enjoy. But to be honest, I don't see this as a bad thing at all.

Of course, these aren't the only new features coming to iOS 17: Siri will now read web content to you, Visual Lookup now works with video, and Standby mode turns your phone into a smart screen anytime it is charging It can even turn your phone into a smart screen at any time while it is charging.

But these are just a few of the features that iOS 17 offers. If you do not yet have the beta, please see our instructions on how to install the iOS 17 public beta.
