This 3 move back and biceps training will strengthen your upper body in just 9 minutes

This 3 move back and biceps training will strengthen your upper body in just 9 minutes

If you are looking for a new back and biceps workout to add to your upper body exercises, try these three moves.

While there is no shortage of back and biceps exercises, these three can build muscle and strength without spending hours in the gym. If bro splits are your preferred workout method - chest and triceps, leg day, back and biceps - check this one off the latter combo.

The back and biceps combo is common because the pulling motion targets both of these major muscle groups. Similarly, the push activates the chest and triceps, so many people combine the push and pull for a complete upper body workout. Grab your best adjustable dumbbells and get started on your workout.

Today we're going to talk about pulls with three compound exercises that work the biceps and back muscles. You can target more muscles in less time and assist with heavier lifts that hit the larger, more powerful back muscles without fatiguing your biceps prematurely. [Let's not bench press or do push-ups for the next 9 minutes. Perform these three upper body exercises as EMOMs, aiming for 8-12 reps per exercise, finishing in around 45-50 seconds, leaving 10-15 seconds of rest before the next minute begins. 3 rounds.

If you finish sooner than that, increase the number of reps or lift heavier weights that help you reach fatigue in the last few reps. For longer workouts, simply add rounds.

It looks similar to bent-over rowing, but requires a greater range of motion because after each rep, the barbell or dumbbells are lowered and lifted off the floor in a dead stop position. Horizontal rowing targets muscles such as the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, posterior deltoids, biceps brachii, and rhomboids, strengthening good posture and back muscles and also working the glutes, buttocks, and hamstrings.

The following is how to perform the bent-over barbell row. Place a barbell at the bottom of the barbell rowing and row from there. You can also use dumbbells, so switch the barbell to free weights and have a bench or raised platform on standby to place the weights. This should prevent you from straining and hurting your back. [Dumbbell pullovers do not require bending or flexing the elbows, so you can target the psoas major (the large muscle that runs down the side of your back) and psoas major without using your arms as much. Since the back muscles, pectoralis major, and shoulders have to lift heavy weights, it is a great way to build strength and muscle without the assistance of secondary movements such as biceps.


The hammer curl primarily targets the biceps and isolates much of the biceps, including the brachialis and brachialis. It is performed with a neutral grip in combination with the reverse fly. For more information on hammer curls, click here.


Move with control and never swing the weights forward. Use your core and make sure your back does not bow.

If you're wondering why there's no love for the lower back, wait a minute. The erector spinae, the muscles that wrap around the spine and support posture, form part of the torso network. In other words, these muscles work in many of the compound movements such as deadlifts, good mornings, and even core training. In other words, these muscles are worked during many compound movements such as deadlifts, good mornings, and even trunk training.

Most back and biceps workouts that follow the traditional resistance training format include around six exercises, most of which consist of compound movements, with one or two isolation exercises at the end. The biceps muscles are smaller and fatigue more quickly, which allows for greater intensity in back training.

For the purpose of muscle hypertrophy, strength training involves performing slightly more reps with a muscle strength lighter than your maximum strength or fewer reps with a higher muscle strength. You can read more about muscle hypertrophy and strength training here.

However, this combo of three movements, which performs three sets of each of all necessary muscle groups and functions more as a circuit, can train the back and biceps effectively and efficiently in a shorter time. Either way, get your upper-body muscles ready to work hard and beat fatigue from these three intense movement EMOMs.

If you want to combine this back and biceps workout with other exercise programs, we list other favorites below.

