This dumbbell standing arm training takes 10 minutes to build the chiseled biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles

This dumbbell standing arm training takes 10 minutes to build the chiseled biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles

[You do not need to do push-ups or bench presses to strengthen your biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles.

Prepare a set of light to medium weight weights and pump your arms for 10 minutes. Of course, a single workout is not sufficient to tone arm muscles (the principles of consistency and progressive overload are paramount).

Workouts by Eleni Fit combine pulling and pushing movements to target different muscle groups in the arms and shoulders. If the exercises are not wrist-straining, forget about them for the next 10 minutes.

If you don't have weights, calisthenics is a popular type of body weight training that develops muscle and strength without lifting heavy weights. However, even if you fill a spare water bottle or other container with water, this is a sure-fire way to burn.

As a guide, Eleni uses two dumbbells of 4 kg and two of 2 kg each, at which point the best adjustable dumbbells are helpful.

This home workout has one goal: to burn the upper body and activate the chest and back muscles. But since body composition is the result of factors such as body fat percentage, diet, and resistance training, we also recommend learning how to calculate your body fat percentage and why it matters if your goal is to build muscle.

We recommend that you do not lift these exercises with your ego and use lighter weights than you use in the gym. Each arm exercise should be performed for 45 seconds per exercise and then move on to the next movement without rest.

Eleni uses some of the best ways to build muscle without lifting heavy weights. Below is an overview of the moves:

Check out the video to complete the 10-minute arm workout with Eleni. For those familiar with the exercises, this may not matter much, but for beginners, it's a great way to familiarize yourself with each movement. And there are plenty of them.

Eleni doesn't just follow the standard on-off workout format. Instead, she mixes isolation and compound exercises with combination moves that combine the two exercises and keep you moving for 10 minutes without a break.

Isolation exercises like bicep curls and tricep extensions target one muscle group, while compound exercises like presses, punches, and upright rows target many muscle groups like pectoralis major, upper traps, shoulders Combining two or three exercises in a flowing fashion results in a complex (see here for an example of a barbell complex). In short, you get more done in less time.

Exercising in this manner in strength training allows one to take advantage of a common muscle-building technique called time under tension, in which muscles are stimulated for longer periods of time throughout the range of motion. Eleni also uses different planes of motion, such as lateral, frontal, and rotational, so more muscle groups can be trained, including underused, weak muscles that are not often targeted.

During the day you move in different directions and use different muscle groups to do so, but exercising in this way will activate these muscle groups and build better balance, coordination, and agility.

Remember to keep your shoulders back, chest up, back straight, abdominal muscles engaged, and maintain good form. In standing exercises, it is easy for the hips to be over-rectified and strain the spine. If you are unsure, use a mirror to check.

Maximize quality over quantity of reps and keep the number of reps for each exercise constant; a 10-minute arm workout is endurance training, which usually means lifting lighter weights in sets with higher reps. Try to keep a steady pace, as small arm muscles fatigue more quickly than larger, more powerful muscles such as the quads and glutes.

In addition, studies have shown that bite-sized workouts or "exercise snacks" (small exercises performed frequently throughout the day) are just as healthy as "standard" workouts. In other words, 10 minutes of arm-strengthening exercise is good for us all.

